Bodleian Bibliographical Press
Bodleian Bibliographical Press
Weston Library
Broad Street
Oxford OX1 3BG
Web: bodleian.ox.ac.uk/csb/book-arts
Email: bookcentre@bodleian.ox.ac.uk
Telephone: +44 (0)1865 277094
The Centre for the Study of the Book fosters the study of book arts through the Bodleian Bibliographical Press and through programmes for universities and the public. A letterpress workshop in the Old Bodleian Library and a press in the public area of the Weston Library enable hands-on demonstrations and classes for universities, schools, and the public. Since 1949, the Bodleian Library has maintained presses for the purpose of teaching practical printing. The workshop has an accessible entrance on the ground floor of the Old Bodleian Library, at the Schola Musicae door. The Bodleian Libraries’ teaching programme offers sessions in learning through making books, using technology from the fifteenth to the twenty-first centuries. Sessions take place in the Weston Library for Special Collections and in the letterpress workshop, located in the Old Bodleian Library.