Cambridge Museum of Technology
Cambridge Museum of Technology
The Old Pumping Station
Cheddars Lane
Cambridge CB5 8LD
Telephone: +44 (0)1223 500652
Cambridge Museum of Technology is the home of the area's industrial heritage. Discover Cambridge’s forgotten industries in the Top Bay. Marvel at the town’s early high-tech companies in the Pye Building. Learn about the story of sewage and waste disposal in the Victorian Pumping Station! Housed in a former workshop is the working exhibition of letterpress printing equipment ranging from early hand operated presses to power machinery, including hot metal casters. In an age of rapidly evolving printing and publication processes – from digital-content to additive and three-dimensional (3D) printing – the printing house at Cambridge Museum of Technology demonstrates methods accumulated from hundreds of years of printing. These include manual techniques common to the earliest Gutenberg press of the fifteenth century, through to the mechanised mass-production equipment of twentieth-century newspapers.
Come along to the Print Shop to journey through the history of print. Discover how you can print your own paper designs, using moveable type, linocut or wood-cut blocks!
Albion press
Wharfdale press
Columbian press
Adana press
Proofing presses