St Bride Library

St Bride Foundation

St Bride Foundation

14 Bride Lane, Fleet Street,



Web: Online catalogue available here


Telephone +44 (0)20 7353 3331

The St Bride Foundation was set up in 1894 as a place of education, recreation, and culture for the people of Fleet Street and Farringdon. Originally housing a printing school and community facilities, today we serve an international audience, offering a vibrant learning and events programme.

The Library and Print Workshop house an internationally significant collection of printed material, archives, and objects that tell the story of print, typography, and graphic design in the UK. This includes one of the largest collections of type specimens and a variety of historical presses, type, and other printing equipment. The collections provide creative inspiration for the communities of designers, researchers, printers, and the public who bring life to our building and collections.

The St Bride Foundation’s Learning and Events Programme offers regular talks, workshops, courses, and group tours to develop your knowledge of all things print. Formerly a gymnasium, the Print Workshop was opened in 2010 to give visitors the opportunity to experience printing hands-on and learn traditional printing techniques.


  • Library and archive material

  • Selection of metal and wood type

  • Typecasting equipment, including hand moulds, punches, and matrices.

  • Presses:

    • Adana 8.5 (x4), 1824

    • Albion press, 1824

    • Albion press, 1844

    • Bellows press, c.1860

    • Columbian, 1822

    • Common press, c.1790

    • Farley proofing press, mid-twentieth century

    • Heidelberg, 1955

    • Star Wheel Etching press, early nineteenth century

    • Model 2 (Model press printing company), late nineteenth century

    • Model 3 (Model press printing company), late nineteenth century

    • Parlour press, c.1870s

    • Stanhope press c.1830

    • Vandercook proofing press, mid-twentieth century

    • Western proofing press, mid-twentieth century